

exercise at home的相關標籤

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Its important to keep sanity during the stay at home period. From young to old, everyone need to jaga mental health. Have a discipline schedule for yourself and the kids. Work, online studies, exercise and of course some interactive games. Also, kalau x bersama orang tua, jangan lupa give them a call everyday to check their well being. p/s : @kingstonleekc is already surpassing me in two things...1) mario games 2) dia suka real madrid.... budak sekarang :p MCO的期间,孩子们都有自己的时间表,网络上课、弹钢琴、打羽毛球,运动、看电视的时间也有限制...... 这个周末就来点娱乐,全家一起玩Kingston 最爱的Mario游戏,你们呢? 另,如果没有和家里的长辈住在一起,记得时不时给他们打个电话,看看他们过的如何。 #stayhome #safelives #stayhealthy

Its important to keep sanity during the stay at ho...